Any new player joining a team at underage or adult has to be registered with the club at least three days before they play a game for the club.
In previous years, we have always ensured players especially are registered in time. In previous years, we chased membership afterwards and in some cases would chase it throughout the year.
From a club perspective, this was the wrong way to do business.
In previous years, previous registered players/members could be registered 'In Block'.
Since last year, the registration involves, acknowledging that each person is a FULLY PAID MEMBER TO THE CLUB.
Last year we made better efforts to get membership off players than in previous years but we did not chase mentors of teams.
Following one incident involving a senior player last year, we cannot, going forward, continue to do what we have done in previous years.
All persons who are involved as players, mentors, trainers, coaches or officials who will find themselves inside the wire for games or training must be paid members according to rule!
Again, Players must be paid up members before they play or they will not be registered going forward.
Mentors etc, must be paid up ideally before trainings/games begin and by the national deadline of 31st March
Ar Aghaigh Le Cheile